The 'SMART READS for Kids' Book Series
Available on Amazon, these are primarily factual books for children aged 7+. Each uses the life and major works of one great artist as a springboard for wider learning with colourful maps, snippets of history, highlighted new vocabulary, maths sentences and a quiz at the end.
For Artists and Fine Art Enthusiasts
This is packed with technical portrait painting advice.
You'll find structured guidance all illustrated by plenty of fantastic master portraits making it a thought provoking and inspiring place to read about Art.
Sections include : Hue & the Colour Wheel, Tone Transparency & Saturation, Darks to Whites, Contrast is King, Painting Skin Tone, Finding a Subject, Composition & Rhythm, Portrait Size, Working Conditions for Painting, Brushes Surfaces & Brush Strokes, Negative Shaping and Painting a Likeness.
Copyright Fiona Holt, 2024